Saturday, January 31, 2009


I am going to define consequences as the result of any thought or action. The resulting circumstance that occurs following what ever choices we make. When we were kids our parents tried to teach us what this meant. If we washed the dished without being asked we were told good job or I'm so proud of you and then given a reward. If we hurt one of our siblings we were told how bad that decision was and there was a consequence of time out, spanking, etc... Once our brains mature and we are able to make these assessments on our own the consequences become pure learning experiences and we no longer need to be told if they are good or bad.
If you were to watch kids after being disciplined or praised they listen and learn but the second the moment is over they are back to playing as if nothing occurred at all. They learned and did not let it effect the rest of the day. They don't hold grudges or bask in the glory of praise. They just learn from the experience and move on. They understand that one action resulted in a positive manner and the other resulted in a negative manner which effects their future choices but they don't hold onto the moment.
We have all heard that we need to become more like children. Learning how to recapture what it means to play, to live free and explore. This I believe is accomplished when we no longer judge our consequences. This is done by learning how to evaluate the consequence as a positive or negative outcome then learning from them. This allows us to use that moment as learning experience and move on. We no longer beat ourselves up for the bad choice we made. We no longer become stagnant because we don't want to lose this great accomplishment. When we hold onto things longer then necessary we are slowly pulled from Flo energy. We are no longer in the moment and aware of all the great things that are in front of us. We get lost in the past which in turn keeps us from learning and growing.
During the day I try to keep in mind to make choices from the inside, from our source. What ever the consequence is I don't need to judge it as good or bad just look at it as "what have I learned from this?" and then move on trusting that what I have learned will be used in the next decision process.

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